Favorites from Beijing

It has been over a week since the Closing Ceremony and I am finally back home in Salt Lake. I have had some time decompress, sleep and get caught up everything I have missed this past month while in Beijing. (not to mention finish all of the last minute planning for my wedding in 10 days)

Here’s a look at 30 of my favorite pictures I made during the Olympics.


  1. Guy V. says:

    sir dude

    it takes time
    good time here
    good luck


  2. Jimmy says:

    Your work was amazing and awesome to watch come in.
    You were meant for this craft.

  3. Tully says:

    hahaha, that last one is the best. I can’t stop laughing! The bmx stuff was nice, the shot backed off from the glass underwater, the reflection with the chinese characters and the shot through the stars was rad too. I liked a lot of them, but these really stood out for me. Way to go dude! One goal done!

  4. Chris Detrick says:

    Thanks Jimmy. John, the volunteers were very excited to have their pictures taken, so I couldn’t have asked for a better background of people. Thanks again,


  5. Mike Terry says:

    You’re my hero…obviously hero status doesn’t mean “make it to your wedding” but it’s still pretty high on the importance list. Great stuff, love the BMX pan stuff and the tight shot of Lebron with the basketball. So jealous you went, but you did a fantastic job buddy. the last picture’s caption should be

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